Below are the Top Ten Reasons to Make the Switch for Your Pet: (from Dr. Harvey)…
1. Ability to control the quality of the ingredients
2. Increase longevity
3. Ability to avoid synthetic ingredients
4. Ability to avoid toxicity caused by preservatives
5. Avoid dyes and coloring agents
6. Maintain healthy weight-increase energy
7. Improved skin and coat
8. Avoid allergies
9.Improve dental health
10. Avoid common degenerative diseases (Arthritis, Kidney Disease, Cancer)
All of these benefits can be achieved with a minimum of effort and the results are so rewarding.
You CAN do this for your dog!
Dr. Harvey and I just had a conversation about this topic. I had told him that Cici was not wanting to eat her soup (raw dehydrated food) and I asked for his advice. He said over and over that it is best to make your own food, that way you know what your pet is eating.
His words:
Fresh is Best and Here’s why…
We think fresh is best. Would you want to eat boxed cereal or canned food as your daily diet? No, of course you wouldn’t. And we don’t think your companion wants to either. We know that fresh is best and our pre-mixes make fresh possible. Even with a busy schedule it is possible to make a fresh meal for your companion every day. You can also make enough for a few days and keep it in the refrigerator. Our foods will stay fresh for 2-3 days in the refrigerator and can be frozen for traveling or for a sitter.
Treats should be chemical-free and safe too. So many are filled with preservatives and tainted meat products. Check here for preservative-free, dye-free and healthy treats!
Power Patties, yum yum yum, Cici’s favorite treats !!!
just for laughs…
Another day, another blog hop, what do you know. This Blog Hop is bought to you by Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog, My Brown Newfies and Luna, A Dog’s Life……. catch the code…